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Mark the Date! Aug 26th - ZILUME Autumn's Collection!

NAMEAnnastasya Zilli Suzume  
β €β €β €AnnaTasyaβ €β €β €
β €β €β €Miss Ann  
β €β €β €Anna Suzume   
β €β €β €The Paracosmist  
β €β €β €The Author  
β €β €β €The Little Prince  
β €β €β €Penenun Realita   
AGE18 years old  
BIRTHDAYJakarta, October 29th  
ETHNICITYItalian, Japanese, Indonesian  
β €β €β €Freelancer  
β €β €β €Keeper of EDEN'S PALACE  
AFFILIATIONZilli - Suzume Family ( questionable )  
β €β €β €EDEN'S PALACE  
RESIDENCEZilli - Suzume's Mansion ( former? )  
β €β €β €An apartment ( current )  
HEIGHT167 cm / Approx. 5 feet 5 inches  
WEIGHT58 kg / Approx. 128 lbs  
FACE CLAIMSakuragi Mano of Idolm@ster Shiny Colors!  
CHARACTER VOICEAoi Yuuki ( main )  
β €β €β €ikasan ( ???? )  
ALIGNMENTTrue Neutral  


also known as excessive daydreaming, is a disordered form of dissociative absorption associated with vivid and excessive fantasy activity that often involves elaborate and fanciful scenarios.




β €β €β €Dread wishes, falling stars, dreamer-wannabe; perhaps. The first child from the pair family of Zilli - Suzume is somewhat resemble more of the mother than the father. Youthful, that is. It is the brown that brought with this world; lighter with the strands that reaches shoulder, darker along with those indistinct chocolate eyes. Fair complexion with facial features that shaped a fusion of oval and heart, then nose that small visually yet pointed. Reaching the bar of average to tall in certain places, she possesses body that valued as quite petite yet well-endowed. Despite this, she cares so little for attire, although there is a hint of her style may leans to classic and some bohemian.

β €β €β € Careful, though, for the young girl is slowly losing herself each day and seconds. She appears rather secluded, calm, and pretty easygoing. Could be awkward, extremely sluggish and clumsy, also forgetful. Mind her to have an acute poor social skill since she often keeps herself, distancing from others. She keeps several dearest people, but not enough to tied the thread too tight. Oh? What? This Ann is different from what one might find in that ... phone? Where is the one that could be extremely loud and comical? One might referred to her past self, perhaps. This one is ... different? My, my, I forgot to tell how she walks in the garden of emotions; pluck the most beautiful flower that suits her mood, do mind for that. Heart over head yes. Do not be too worry, for she still bathe with amicable among all. It takes time.

β €β €β € The Zilli - Suzume family is one of kind, aren't they? Among the world which dominate with people and their value of normal, there are some people who grew up to become out-of-normal. Annastasya was one of them. She was blessed with a rare gift, something that caught off between two. It does to be expected to her blood were off human from the maternal lineage, but the power that holds was much, much beyond human's prediction. Hence, their treatment to her was ... quite-off, if she needs to reevaluate. It might be for her good, it might be for their good. Moving from Jakarta to Tokyo only for the worst to come; her dearest best friend who works as maid has finally made quite a chaos to activate her ability for the worst. And, everything became s t r a i n e d . . .

β €β €β € Until sixteen came and she comes to public school (until current) like one may expect for an adolescence like her. Still, the loneliness is awful to linger on her; thus, to cope, she decides to blend herself with the said power ... or potential, to her preference. To build a realm entitled EDEN'S PALACE, she may embrace life, once more.

FC : Johan Liebert of Monster


CEO and Co - Founder of ZILUME, father of Ann with the lineage of Italian - Indonesian. He is a man of people with mysterious aerial surrounds. Nevertheless, he and Ann may surprisingly could be considered as close.

FC : Mikami - sensei of Another


Founder and GM of ZILUME, mother of Ann with the lineage of Italian - Japanese. Compared with Benyamin, Annabella is more outgoing and open who is more in-tune with her works. Among the family members, she is the most affectionate yet the gap between her and Ann is is the farthest. She secretly holds the power to harness energy of darkness.

FC : Kiyoka (Seiji Takamori) of Super Lovers


Was a maid to her family. Once as her own dearest, currently a nobody. The main reason of why Ann heavily refuse everyone to address her as Anna.

FC : Ichikawa Hinana of Idolm@ster Shiny Colors!


A mere neighbor that Ann holds dear despite the contrast personalities and possessing a certain health issue named CIPA. They both sharing a sisterly bond to some point of Ann considering her as mother, although Rama is more disciplined. That, of course, they have something more.


FC : Isla of Plastic Memories


Fellow walker as both harness the similar, if not same, power. Holds the title of the Reader to counter Ann's Author. For better.


What a hard time for both. She was oblivious, he was quite earnest. She was always, is always late, resembling turtle. She will return your love.

FC : Mitsumine Yuika of Idolm@ster Shiny Colors!


My, my.

FC : Asuka Tanaka of Sound! Euphonium


Her cousin, somewhat distant. Though for whatever means, she cherish her dearly.



One may need to raise the warning whenever Ann using this ability. Since birth, she harness the power that related with reality/existence scale, making her a potential threat. Her true nature of this ability is be β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. To be precise, it is tied with the title Author. To hold those abundant powers ... or she mostly refers as potentials, letting herself to be the vessel as sanity is merely at stake with some default traits to be on set.

Currently (or her preference) to describe this ability is she may bend reality from thoughts and imaginations (or she dubs it as fantasy, hence the name) to achieve nearly anything.

To also not let this ability going wild, she creates a realm to reach wishes for those that stay named Eden's Palace. (@edenspalace)

LEITMOTIFAlexander Rybak - Fairytale
β €β €β €Alexander Rybak - First Kiss
β €β €β €LOONA Heejin - ViViD
β €β €β €IU - Love Alone
β €β €β €Malcolm Lincoln - Siren
β €β €β €Hans Zimmer - Draw Me a Sheep
  • ZILUME is a fashion industry that holds quite the fame in their boutique, two small clothing store, and one jewelry and accessories shop.

  • Despite her parents's success is held in their industry, most of the family members from paternal and maternal are more active in education field.

  • People calling her Anna induce a pang of stingy feel, hence she doesn't want to people address her as such. However, lately, she could accept this.

  • Prefers salty food, then spicy food to a degree.

  • One of her comfortable genre music is Asian pop music that leans to Kpop. However, she states that she quite open for this as long as it is joyful to her ears.

  • She is ticklish, surprisingly.

  • Though considered weak in sports, she enjoys swimming and some gymnastic moves.

  • A fashion disaster, once stated by her mother.

  • Rarely to put on makeup and could be clueless about them.

  • Favors some works by Jeff Kinney.

  • Cannot watch horror movies and the likes.

  • Can dance and considered pretty good at it. Sometimes dancing help her to align herself than to do callisthenics.

  • Still need to learn Italian, yet Indonesian is actually her native language with Jakarta / Betawi accent; sometimes she will sprinkle some Javanese and Sundanese words.

  • Extremely fond with The Little Prince and A Little Princess.

  • Too indulge with scarves and blankets, it's insane.

  • Yes, she could make her voice contrast or switching the gender. a side effect(?)

  • Certain sounds in certain situation might trigger her.

  • Likes babies and children, alongside cute things.

Greetings for you to reach the writer's notes.

The carrd, the pictures and the twitter are solely for roleplaying purposes and belong to their respective owners. Any resemblance is purely coincidental and this is ... to be honest, I still had a hard time to tell if this OC is either Semi Self-Based or Self-Based, although I mostly refer her as Self-Based OC. Also, yeah, this OC is OP, but that could be tone down and gladly not using it at all.

Plots and interactions could do spontaneously or discussed in Direct Message, yet do beware if this account might contain NSFW alongside accepting MV and AU. Also bilingual, using English and Bahasa Indonesia, yet do beware for many mistakes. Besides plots, the Direct Message may open to discuss relation or just having a chit-chat.

This account is selective; however, do feel to mute, unfollow, or block if it's become a bother and I will do the same to you. And singleship.

That's all and have a good time.